Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21, 2006 - The start of a new week

We are hoping this week will bring us some good news about our G&R. So far nothing but we have to remember not to lose faith, which is hard since we have been away from home for so long. We miss everyone and appreciate every single e-mail we get. I'm sorry I don't get around to responding to them all but I promise that every single one is read and enjoyed.

Today we spent just lounging around because none of us feel that well. We ventured out by taxi only to go to the pharmacy because we had ran out of some of our medicine. Let me just say if you will be traveling over here anytime soon, make sure to bring more than you would every think you would use because it cost as an arm and leg to buy a box of tylenol sinus or any other medicine like that. It basically turned out to be $3.00 a pill, yes you read that right 3 US Dollars a pill, not a dose which consists of 2 pills which would be $6.00. Can you tell I'm annoyed by this, probably because Mom and I still feel so rotten. Our Sinuses and Allergies infections have now settled into our chests with bronchitis and cough syrup is one thing that is not available here. We did go upstairs and visit the other family that is here for a short time. Lu is such a sweet baby. Keere spent most of the time just looking at her and studying her like she does, all the while Lu is cooing and giggling. Lu is a month younger than Keere but is both longer and weighs more.
Also, we didn't get a very good nights sleep because they have decided that the building they are rehabbing next door, they are only going to work on at night. So nothing like hearing heavy machinery, concrete trucks and jack hammering all night long. Again it probably wouldn't be as annoying if we felt better.

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